Small businesses are often bombarded with advice, from financial tips to recommendations for the best financial services. Thus, the trick for any management team or entrepreneur is figuring out how to best use this information, as well as avoid any potential misconceptions that might distract a company from achieving success.

Once a firm figures out the most relevant advice, they could start incorporating any needed changes into a financial plan, as well as eliminate any costly mistakes that may have been plaguing the business from the start.

Bad advice that frequently pops up
Advice is easy to come by for a small business owner. However, determining which tidbits fit well into a specific company strategy could prove challenging. Instead of just incorporating everything, smart managers decide how to best use any advice that comes their way. 

One common misconception is hiring known commodities, according to Nellie Akalp, contributor for Mashable. For example, when a start-up begins bringing in new employees, the owner might be tempted to only hire people they have worked with in the past, including friends and former staff members. While building a company with trusted people isn't necessarily a bad idea, it becomes unwise when better, more qualified candidates are ignored because they aren't familiar

Additionally, Akalp explained that small business owners should focus their attention on filling the company's needs, first and foremost. Doing that often makes for the best possible choices. Firms should tailor the new staff to the position, not the other way around. 

Another bad piece of advice is the statement that there isn't any room for a new company in the current market, Akalp noted. Regardless of the number of other players, a start-up with great employees and a quality idea could always find room to sell its products. On the contrary, a small business should succeed by defining the company well and identifying a market aspect or niche that needs attention. 

Moreover, a financial plan shouldn't have to account for poor sales figures and dropping revenue. Sometimes sending the impression that a small business needs to sell its product cheaper than its competitors is bad advice, according to Akalp. That might not be true. Instead of looking at the price, firms should analyze value, and figure out the best possible strategy to provide quality products for the consumers. 

Put in the time to become an expert
For an entrepreneur, the advice of "fake it until you make it" might sound too familiar, according to YFS Magazine. However, this isn't advisable. Small businesses should always factor in the amount of time it takes to produce quality, and any financial tips that point to the contrary might not be ideal

For instance, very few people would want to hire a company that doesn't offer the best possible product. Why should others turn to a small business if it is content to pass time until the employees either learn how to perform well, or the funds are acquired to start producing higher quality services? There are several reasons why this business idea is a misconception, the news source noted. To begin with, it might set a bad precedent and incorporate an incorrect set of standards into a company. Additionally, it might allow staff to believe that faking it – and not putting in the needed effort – could somehow lead to financial success. 

On the other hand, a small business that puts in the work early, and constantly strives to achieve every goal, has a much better chance than a competitor that "fakes it" for an extended period of time.