OAKLAND, Md. — Carissa Rodeheaver, Chief Executive Officer, President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of First United Corporation, has been named for the second time as one of “Maryland’s Top 100 Women” by The Daily Record.
Maryland’s Top 100 Women was founded in 1996 to recognize outstanding achievements by women demonstrated through professional accomplishments, community leadership and mentoring. More than 1,700 women have been presented with the honor over the years.
“Being recognized by The Daily Record is an honor,” said Ms. Rodeheaver. “I am humbled to be included among the many accomplished women in our state and am gratified to serve my community and to mentor the next generation of leaders.”
“This year’s Maryland’s Top 100 Women work hard, play hard and create better lives for their teams, their networks and their families. They are inclusive change agents who are not afraid to face adversity and stand up for what they believe,” said Suzanne Fischer-Huettner, senior group publisher of The Daily Record. “Their community impact and commitment to mentoring are outstanding. We at The Daily Record are proud to honor them.”
Award recipients will be honored at a reception and awards celebration event on May 9 at in Baltimore. Winners will also be profiled in a special magazine that will be inserted into the May 10 issue of The Daily Record and will be available online at TheDailyRecord.com.

Carissa Rodeheaver, named for the second time as one of “Maryland’s Top 100 Women” by The Daily Record.
First United Corporation is the parent company of First United Bank & Trust, a Maryland trust company with commercial banking powers (the “Bank”), and two statutory trusts that were used as financing vehicles. The Bank has four wholly-owned subsidiaries: OakFirst Loan Center, Inc., a West Virginia finance company; OakFirst Loan Center, LLC, a Maryland finance company; First OREO Trust, a Maryland statutory trust that holds and services real estate acquired by the Bank through foreclosure or by deed in lieu of foreclosure; and FUBT OREO I, LLC, a Maryland company that likewise holds and services real estate acquired by the Bank through foreclosure or by deed in lieu of foreclosure. The Bank also owns 99.9% of the limited partnership interests in Liberty Mews Limited Partnership; a Maryland limited partnership formed for the purpose of acquiring, developing, and operating low-income housing units in Garrett County, Maryland. First United Corporation’s website is www.mybank.com.