In all parts of life, communication is key. Relationships, friendships and customer service all require people to be able to talk openly. It's especially important when it comes to running a business and conversing with employees. In order to keep an efficient and happy work environment, you need to be able to talk to with your staff and discuss anything that comes up. To learn how to promote effective boss-worker communication, check out the tips below:

1. Be approachable
Working solely behind a closed office door is not the way to get your employees to open up to you. If you want your staff to talk to you, you need to make it easy for them. Keep your door open or set up your desk with the rest of your staff's. Most importantly, you should never yell, criticize or avoid admitting when you're wrong – that's a sign of inexperience, Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, told Entrepreneur. As a small business owner, you should also make sure you're friendly and open to discussion. Your employees should never be afraid to approach you or ask questions, Craig Cincotta, vice president of brand communications at Porch, explained to Entrepreneur.

2. Be open
A good employer realize when his workers know best. As a boss, you might be more behind the scenes, while your employees are working directly with clients. They could suggest ways to to improve the business and workflow that you hadn't thought about. Whether one-on-one or in a group setting, don't be afraid to ask your employees for suggestions on what you could do better or on what aspects of the company need work, Cincotta said. When your workers do offer recommendations, make sure you actually consider them and implement the ones you think will work best. They might even be able to offer financial tips on how to better utilize revenue.

3. Be forthcoming
There is always information that needs to be communicated to your staff, and chances are your employees will have questions. To ensure all your workers get the needed information, use multiple forms of communication, such as email, announcements and flyers, Tom Fox explained in the Washington Post. Don't be afraid to confirm with your employees that they received your message. You also shouldn't be nervous to admit when you're wrong or when you don't know the answer, Cincotta said to Entrepreneur. Your employees will respect you much more if they know you're honest with them.

There are many ways to ensure that the lines of communication between you and your workers remain open. As long as your truthful, friendly and welcoming, your employees will be more willing to come to you with suggestions and questions.