Keeping up with modern trends, current market signs and formulating advertising strategies that apply to today's customer desires requires economic insight and the most up-to-date software deployments. These initiatives should reach beyond cloud computing and mobile application options, as internal functions need to be as swift and accurate as customer-facing offerings.

PaySavvy wrote that using outdated payroll software and financial services could be as devastating to continuity and prosperity as ignoring the importance of virtual storefronts and consumer mobile device use. Missing sales opportunities is one thing, but as the source pointed out, these antiquated offerings can stunt corporate growth. On one occasion, a major financial firm lost over $400 million in a single day due to a faulty and outdated software suite. Isolating these issues before they turn into large-scale problems is critical for ongoing success, the source wrote.

Rolling with the punches
This is especially the case in the wake of fiscal cliff changes to tax codes both for corporations and consumers. Failing to update internal payroll and financial software could result in compliance and transparency problems, which in turn could trigger audits, eDiscovery inquiries or fines. Being aware of how the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 will affect investor and employee withholdings should set into motion financial plan changes and software overhauls, as a press release regarding the new tax act showed rates could jump as high as 40 percent for individual employees. Even individual states are changing their tax schedules, meaning payroll and accounting specialists will need to review these rates and make updates to internal systems accordingly, or else potentially risk ongoing monetary stability for an entire corporation.

New Hampshire News wrote that the state government is currently in the process of revising its own financial services software to modern standards. The previous platform was nearly 20 years old, according to the source, meaning these systems were no longer capable of handling the modern requirements of electronic payroll, cloud computing and mobile digital workflow. By combining new software with existing online banking, digital infrastructure and modern invoicing trends, businesses can streamline their operations and be more certain of accuracy in these procedures.