You’ve decided to start a business. Now what? If this is your first time branching out on your own, you might feel overwhelmed. A lot of thought goes into the initial decision, but into every subsequent choice you make. There’s a lot to get done, but where to start? The following steps can give you a jumping-off point while also soothing your nerves:
1. Bring a buddy
Starting a business can be stressful, so why not bring someone along for the ride? Having a partner with whom you can make decisions and talk through issues will take some of the pressure off. Just make sure you both have the same vision in mind. If you don’t, that could be detrimental before you even get started. If you do, though, that’s great! Maybe you already have someone in mind, but if not, don’t worry. Networking is your best option, according to Entrepreneur. Through networking, whether with friends or business associates, you’ll be able to find someone who wants to build a successful business with you. As the saying goes, two is better than one.
2. Have a plan …
The first step is to create a business plan, Grace Hightower De Niro, who started her own company, wrote in an article for Forbes. Do you have a location? Does it need renovations? How about supplies or a staff? Starting a business from the ground up requires a lot of planning and, more than likely, a lot of money. Having a financial plan in place will aid you in knowing how much you are starting out with and where that money is going. If you’re not sure how to go about doing that, try asking for some financial investment advice from a person or bank you trust.
3. … But be flexible
Even with a plan, things can and will go wrong. Something will break, plans will fall through. Things will happen that will be out of your control, according to Hightower De Niro. Being flexible will help you save your sanity in the long run.
4. Hire your A-team
The early days of your business will be stressful enough. You don’t need the added anxiety of a lackluster staff. Hiring hardworking and able employees the first time around will ease your nerves and ensure you won’t have extra problems to deal with, Hightower De Niro explained. Whether it’s servers, salespeople or financial services, having your dream team around you will calm you.
5. Block time
Block time? It sounds like a strange concept, but it works, author and business owner Gary Keller told Entrepreneur in an interview. Setting aside a few hours a day to work on one or two tasks can help you prioritize your goals. What needs to be done first in order for the rest of your plans to run smoothly?
“My motto is: Until my No.1 priority is done each day, all else is a distraction,” Keller told the source.
Schedule your day around the tasks that you need to accomplish. Designating time to work on specific items will help you focus your attention where it’s needed. An established start and end time for each task will increase your productivity throughout the day.
6. Take a break
When you’re just starting out, you might think you need to focus all your attention on work – don’t. That will only cause you stress. Take a step back and breathe. Find something to do outside of work, whether that’s going for a walk, working out or spending time with your family and friends. Make this activity or location your “no-work zone” or your “happy place,” according to Peter Gasca in his article for Entrepreneur. Whatever will help you relax, do it. It will relieve your stress and prepare you for the next day’s tasks.
Venturing out on your own can be tough, but if you have a plan in mind and a partner you can trust, starting your own business should go smoothly.