Being on-the-go all the time and balancing work with all your other obligations can make it difficult to get to the bank during normal business hours. However, having the convenience of accessing your business banking or personal checking 24 hours a day doesn't mean you have to put your money at risk. Knowing how to safely monitor and move your money from the comfort of your own home is key when it comes to online and mobile banking solutions.
Protecting your data
When it comes to either mobile or online banking, making sure your endpoint access is secure should be the first priority.
According to a survey by McAffee, over half of online banking users are concerned about data loss or theft though 80 percent of U.S. banking customers make use of the service. The security software company recommended using strong passphrases and understanding the given bank's safeguards. Being careful not to give out information online from email requests is important, but recognizing fake web links and sites will also help you avoid accidentally giving out your banking information.
Mobile banking customers should also be aware of their bank's security procedures in terms of accessing accounts through cell phones and smartphones. According to the Federal Reserve's Mobile Device Report, nearly 60 percent of mobile banking customers see a data breach as the biggest threat to their finances, but just like with online banking, being cautious and thoughtful about information can help protect it.
The FDIC points out that encryption and general security should be mirrored on both ends of a data transaction – both your device and the server you're connecting to should be properly secured.
Securing your information
Sometimes the concern for security goes beyond something stolen or lost – if a company is knowingly selling client information, for instance. Your personal information is private and needs to be respected as such. This means knowing that you can trust your mobile or online banking provider with sensitive information without worrying that it will be shared with other businesses.
To determine if this is a dangerous topic, check your bank's privacy policy. Since July 2001, all legitimate financial institutions have been required to provide customers with a comprehensive rundown of what data, if any, is available for sharing, according to the FDIC.