Whether you’re making goals for yourself or your company, it can be difficult knowing what you’ll have to do to get them done. If you’re not organized, you may struggle to reach the desired outcome. By sitting down and working out a plan and your level of commitment to all your goals, you’ll be able to approach them when you’re more prepared.

1. List Your Goals

Objectives come in all shapes and sizes. They can be as simple as responding to an email or something that’s a little harder to obtain, like landing a big client. Whatever it is, list them out, including the ones you’re already working on, Entrepreneur suggested. It’s much easier knowing what you have to do when it’s all in front of you.

Once you have them on paper, prioritize. You can’t accomplish everything right away and you probably don’t have the room in your financial plan for it. Instead, figure out which ones are more important to you and your company and work on those first.

2. Make a Plan

So, you’ve decided what you’re going to do, but how will you go about it? There are a few things you should consider, according to the source. Make sure you know exactly what you’re trying to solve. It shouldn’t just be an idea. The anticipated outcome should already be established.

You should also know if you have the room for it in your business banking account. If you don’t have the money, you might as well move on to the next project. Determine who you need or want working on it, the start and end dates, and any risks it poses. New projects, especially bigger ones, might be harder to accomplish and could come with a few more downfalls than their smaller counterparts.

3. Determine Your Commitment Level

Once you have a plan, you’ll have a more accurate picture of what to expect. Make sure you’re fully committed to getting it done before starting. If you quit halfway through because you’ve lost your motivation, you’re going to be wasting a lot of time, money, and effort. To decide whether you’ll be able to stick with it, Fast Company suggested considering the following items:

  • Treasures – How much do you want to achieve the goal? Your desire to get the job done will either make or break your motivation. If you don’t feel strongly enough about it, you might want to wait until you’re more dedicated and will be able to reap the rewards.
  • Troubles – What problems will you run into and how will you handle them? If you’re not sure you’ll be able to stick it out even when it’s going badly, your goal or project isn’t worth doing at the moment. You want to be in a mindset where you’re willing to deal with anything that comes your way.
  • Contributions – How much of yourself will you invest in it? The more time, energy, and resources you’re able to put into the project, the more you’ll get out of it. When you’re willing to do anything to reach your goals, you’ll be more likely to succeed.
  • Choice – Have you considered all your options? You shouldn’t limit yourself when it comes to accomplishing your goals. Think about all the choices you have to complete them and make sure you’re not limiting yourself.

If you’ve decided that you’re committed to following through with your goals and plans, make sure you establish a communication system with your team members to ensure the project runs on schedule.