It may not seem like much, but those monthly overage fees and convenience charges can add up quickly for small business owners. Working out ways to avoid these unnecessary expenses can make business banking a little less stressful and create more stability in commercial accounts.
Know your fees
One of the first things a small business owner needs to do when opening an account is determine what actions carry fees for performing them. What's more, certain kinds of accounts have service charges and other expenses simply for having an account in the first place, while others will pose a penalty to the balance if funds are withdrawn before a specific time.
One of the big ones that catches both consumers and companies are non-native ATM fees, BusinessDay wrote. Using an out-of-provider machine can subtract a few dollars here and there from existing funds, but some of these ATMs may charge up to $10, and even when the amount is less substantial, performing several of these transactions a week can still add up. The source recommended getting to know where local in-network teller machines are located to avoid such charges, or else using a debit card until one can be found. For those on-the-go, getting a mobile app or checking online for locations can also help small businesses dodge penalties.
Monitor account types
Not all business banking accounts are a benefit to the organization, as Business Insider wrote. When a company has stagnant money, instead of leaving it in checking or savings, the entity needs to put these funds to work. If that means getting financial investment advice, then so be it – by letting this money languish, a corporation is missing out on vital opportunities to make more. While some financial institutions offer basic accounts that collect interest, these accruals are minimal in comparison to what an establishment could provide in long-term investment tools.
On the other hand, companies need to be certain they can part with these funds for an extended period of time. As the source pointed out, withdrawing money from investment accounts like mutual funds, annuities or bonds early will incur a penalty that could leave a company in the red simply for taking its own money back. Looking at different investing options before choosing one is essential, as is creating a diversified portfolio so there is money when needed, but the rest is working for the business.