Oprah Magazine regular and financial tips authority Suze Orman has one thing to say to post-graduates: “You absolutely must… save for retirement.” Retirement? Just after college? Yes, Orman insists in the magazine, beginning to save for retirement by 25 is essential to those who want to live comfortably down the road.  Although it may seem far away for young post-grads, she says, the difference in starting saving ​before 30 can ultimately increase a retirement fund by hundreds of thousands. In addition, an early start to savings can decrease the pressure of saving more as the years pile on, according to Orman.

Necessities of saving for young adults
The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) reports there is an expected increase in hiring just-graduated candidates. This is good news for post-grads entering the workforce, as 10.2% more recent graduates are expected to be hired from the class of 2012 than the previous year.

So cash will be flowing in, but holding onto that income takes discipline. Irvin G. Schorsch, Pennsylvania Capital Management president and founder, focuses on several key points for young adults to practice in saving in his Forbes editorial. The finanical pro hones in on credit as a major issue to tackle, whether that means paying off cards or monitoring credit scores. Orman reflects similar views in her urge to stay on top of student loan payments.

“Even if you were to declare bankruptcy, your debt would likely not be forgiven,” she noted in Oprah Magazine.  Orman recommends visiting the U.S. Department of Education’s Federal Student Aid page to any post-grad unable to pay loans back temporarily.

Take it from the Cheapos
The Economides family became financial media stars several years ago and gained a reputation for being “America’s Cheapest Family,” according to Gimundo. The seven-person clan began by living on father Steve’s income of $35,000 after his marriage to mom Annette, and now they boast multiple cars paid for in cash and a home bought in full in less than ten years, all through careful frugality and financial sense, reports the news source.

The family’s simplest recommendation is to budget spending money in cash (Schorsch additionally suggests 10-20 percent deposit to savings out of total income), separating allocations for specific items like clothes, entertainment and food per month, according to Gimundo.

Take it from mom Annette Economides: “Cash doesn’t lie.”

Getting used to cheap living isn’t always easy for post-grads, but it is well worth the eventual payoff. Ormann reminds her readers that now is the time to save. When kids and home loans are in the picture, she says, saving $50 a month eating ramen noodles might seem like luxury.