Social media is an extremely effective – and valuable – tool for small business owners. While the big players include Facebook and Twitter, companies shouldn't forget about the power of LinkedIn.
This site is one of the best out there for generating leads, earning referrals and finding new sources of income to bolster a business banking account. Therefore, optimizing the small business' page should be a top priority. However, doing everything by the book might not achieve the intended results. Instead, focus on these key tips to stand out from the crowd.
Highlight the correct content
Getting a small business' LinkedIn page to stand out in the search results comes down to keywords, according to Inc. magazine. However, simply relying on the popular ones might not have what it takes to get the job done.
It may be smart to focus on industry-specific, highly-targeted keywords that appeal to a niche audience. Inc. magazine explained that it is better to take a common phrase full of jargon and go deeper. While filling up blog posts with these words can backfire, it can be exactly what is needed for search results. So, the small business owner can identify words and phrases unique to their products and services, and scatter them throughout the LinkedIn profile to attract the right type of customers.
Create a personal, professional page
The best approach to LinkedIn involves both a personal and professional profile page. According to Next Avenue, these go hand in hand for a small business owner.
For starters, creating a personal page is required to form a professional one, the news source noted. The more information the better, and a well-rounded and in-depth profile tends to garner more interest than one that is light on the facts. For a company page, there are fewer options and features, but they can be fantastic ways to send out updates and circulate posts about recent developments within the business.
In addition, all employees should be encouraged to link back to the company page in their own personal profiles. Doing so will increase the amount of potential viewers, and this additional exposure never hurts. The goal of LinkedIn is to build a large professional network, and this social media site can do that better than most places on the Internet today. With a well-optimized site up and running, the small business may be able to improve its financial plan significantly.