Productivity is one goal of any small business, and employees who are missing this crucial element could become serious impediments to a financial plan. Worse yet, not everyone realizes when they aren't working as efficiently as possible, and this could lead to some complications down the road.
However, there are a number of quick and easy solutions to this problem. Most importantly, though, should be the idea that it is not the tools that matter, but how they are used that really makes a difference. Even when workers start the day with the best intentions, many different things could get in the way of productivity.
With that in mind, here are five simple financial tips and business tricks to improve this aspect and stay on task throughout the day:
1. Don't always answer the phone
In all fairness, the phone does need to be answered from time to time. The key here is to keep in mind that not every call is worth picking up, according to John Brandon in an article for Inc. magazine. Some people drop everything they are doing just to answer the phone, and this could lead to a lack of productivity. While providing clients a human voice to talk to can be nice, it won't do them any good if the person on the other end of line is distracted. Therefore, finish the task at hand and then call them back.
2. Don't let distractions ruin the day
Sure, distractions can be bad. Even so, there are times throughout the workday that they can be quite useful. Brandon explained that sometimes an interruption can lead creativity in a new direction or inspire a separate course of action. In that case, don't be afraid of one, but instead follow it to see where it goes. This could create new ideas, fresh perspectives or additional motivation. However, keep in mind that not all distractions are good, and try to keep out the ones that could result in a lack of productivity.
3. Feel free to take a loss
When it comes to business banking, taking a loss can be a bad thing. But, when dealing with other aspects of a small business, accepting defeat may not mean the end of the world. Brandon noted that an attitude of "in it to win it" can be counterproductive, because it can lead to a selfish mindset. On the other hand, it is important to remember to let others take the glory every once in a while, especially if that means additional success down the road.
4. Find ways to prioritize effectively
Making a list and sticking to it can be a great tool for any company, and prioritizing tasks is a crucial part of that process. According to Forbes, this can take some serious mental effort, so it is smart to plan for the rest of the week when the mind is fresh. Also, categorize jobs in the order that they are most important, how long each one will take to complete and when is the best time throughout the day or week to finish them. With that done, it will be easier to stay productive and be efficient at the appropriate times during the day.
5. Create a sound routine
Just like with any aspect of life, a routine can make the daily grind that much simpler. Forbes noted that this applies to work as well, and that can be a major boost to productivity. For starters, it may be smart to set rules for checking email, so the workday isn't spent scanning the inbox. This can also translate to filing documents, reading memos or meeting with colleagues. Keeping things the same all week can be exactly what a small business needs.