When it comes to building a strong financial plan, many consumers know they need to manage their regular expenses with long term goals, and that finding equilibrium between these two can be difficult. There are a number of occasions, though, where people should be savvy enough to haggle, because they won't always be offered the best deal the first time around. Knowing how and when to ask for better opportunities is key to financial success.

Getting a raise
This is probably one of the most anticipated and dreaded negotiating opportunities, but to make even minor adjustments to a financial calculator, workers need to get better at asking for what they want. Forbes wrote that this is particularly important for women, as they tend to make far less than men even when doing the same jobs at the same organization. Understanding that bosses will never offer the best possible salary at the start of talks means that employees must be willing to push. If not, companies will gladly let their personnel take mediocre pay options because it saves them money.

Home loans
Buying a house is stressful on its own, but the entire process should be an exercise in haggling. Everything from the overall purchase price, to the broker's fees, to the interest on a loan note and the signing costs should be careful debated and refined to tack down every fee and iron out any hidden clauses. Going into this situation without a clear idea of the expenses entailed therein could wind up hurting homeowners in the future, or worse, making a home impossible to afford.

Bankrate recommended shopping around for the best loan rates first so that consumers have a clear idea of how much they have to work with. At that point, they need to team up with a broker with a good grasp of their financial calculator so they don't get pressured into going over that limit.

These affairs can be one of the most expensive parties a couple will ever put on, and considering that it's a one-time event, some may be concerned about the cost. Reuters wrote that the average cost of a wedding hit $27,000 in 2012, despite inflation and economic downturn, meaning that the price will likely continue to climb in the future. Every aspect of the experience needs to be haggled, negotiated and talked through, so that couples can enjoy their marriage without spending years paying off the wedding.