The daily life of a small business owner is full of responsibility. You have to manage your employees, ensure that business banking stays on track, keep customers happy and perform many other duties.
Therefore, it is understandable that some things slip through the cracks. However, one of those shouldn't be cybercrime. In fact, Internet and computer security is incredibly important for a company, especially a smaller one. So, instead of ignoring this critical aspect, you should be on the hunt for ways to bolster your defenses and stay secure at all times.
Cybercrime not on many small business' radar
Even with the importance of cyber security, few small businesses would be ready if a breach happened today. This was one of the findings from a recent survey of 250 U.K.-based companies by Kaspersky Lab.
Per the results, 31 percent noted that they would not know how to proceed if an IT security breach happened to them. In addition, 40 percent stated that they didn't have the means to recover any lost data. Even though 68 percent of the respondents have some sort of Internet-connected device, many didn't believe that cybercrime would happen to them.
"One in ten of those surveyed admitted that an IT security breach would probably cost them their business," said Kirill Slavin, the U.K. managing director at Kaspersky Lab. "This must be addressed, and quickly. Micro firms don't have to become IT security experts. Most of the time it's the IT equivalent of remembering to lock all the doors and windows when you go out, make sure you have some additional protection and not to leave valuables where others can easily see and get to them."
Ensure you are protected at all times
If you rely on the Internet for any business needs, you'll want to make sure you are protected at all times. If this seems complicated on the surface, don't worry – there are plenty of simple ways you can stay safe.
According to BusinessNewsDaily, the best solution is to balance technology, people and processes. Each of these elements on their own won't cut it, but combining them is a comprehensive strategy. For example, make sure your employees are well-trained on security, so they don't accidently cause a breach. Plus, get proper computer protection software and design jobs to take the least amount of risk online.