Make sure your hiring process is flawless, because if it isn't, it could cost you later on. 

A survey by CareerBuilder found that 27 percent of U.S. employers had made a bad hire that cost the company in excess of $50,000. Here's a financial tip, in order to avoid costing your business somewhere in that neighborhood, don't make mistakes while hiring. 

There are a number of habits and bad practices that should be avoided during the hiring process. This will ensure your business has a good reputation among job seekers and that bad employees won't be around to cost you money.

Below are a few things to make sure you avoid during talent acquisition:

1. Don't let personal attitudes get in the way
Every employer is bound to have a few personal biases that may make them think twice about hiring any given individual, Inc. wrote. However, don't let these hang-ups prevent you from hiring someone. Just because an individual has a nose ring doesn't mean he or she won't be able to assemble a financial plan

People from all sorts of backgrounds will bring unique experiences and skills to your business, Entrepreneur explained. Hire people of all kinds, regardless of sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, social status or anything else. 

2. Avoid love at first sight
CareerBuilder also found that 58 percent of employers surveyed found a lie on a resume. Don't let yourself become one of the 58 percent when it's too late. Hiring the first candidate that seems pleasant enough is a bad idea, so don't make the decision too quickly.

Despite the fact that you or your hiring manager may be under pressure to hire quickly, don't let the stress lead to a hasty decision, Inc. wrote. Set up a hiring timeline, so that you have a sense of how much time you have to fill a position, and how many potential employees you can interview in a given span. 

3. Don't allow for simple answers
Too many employers are okay with asking yes or no questions – don't be one of them, Entrepreneur recommended. Don't phrase questions in a way that allows for simple answers such as yes or no. Instead word them in such a way that forces candidates to share their thoughts. The media outlet gave an example, writing that instead of asking an interviewee if they are willing to travel, inquire about how he or she feels about the idea of traveling for work. 

Use these three tips in order to make sure that you are weeding out the bad hires, and only taking on employees that will benefit your business.