A startup has to concern itself with the number of ways to increase revenue and make a profit. While bolstering the business banking account is always a good goal, there are several outside-the-box ways to do this that may not be on the top of the list.

One of those involves taking advantage of the small business website. Believe it or not, a well-designed page will do more than just direct potential customers to the company. In fact, optimizing the experience should increase users' time spent there, encourage repeat visits and bolster revenue streams – all good things for an entrepreneur's financial plan

In order to get started, here are three tips to upgrade a company website with increased revenue in mind:

1. Offer a business newsletter
Providing access to free products and services is a fantastic way to increase customers and sales opportunities, according to Entrepreneur magazine. On a website, there is great potential if a newsletter is offered in exchange for an email address. While these don't bring in more people than other Internet searches, readers of newsletters have a higher chance of turning into a customer. These people naturally have a greater interest in the product or service already, so this little bit of expert marketing could go a long way for any company.

2. Encourage a forum for feedback
Customers always want to feel like their opinion has been heard. Entrepreneur magazine noted that on a website, a great way to generate more revenue is with a feedback section. This option allows the business to better gauge the feelings of visitors, including what is working and what isn't. Understanding these crucial components will allow the company to make more educated decisions in regard to the marketing strategy and the financial plan.

3. Follow the customers' paths
Tracking user tendencies is vitally important for any small business, especially on a website. According to Search Engine Watch, visitors often leave at certain points while scouring a page, so it is important to find this information and figure out why this is the case. For example, the process could be too long and complicated or the sales pitch isn't good enough. Either way, understanding this specific aspect will allow a company to make the needed changes to fix any problems, thus increasing the revenue stream.

Overall, a strong small business can utilize all aspects of a marketing strategy, including a website. This tool can be a fantastic way to reach a wide range of customers quickly, and figure out exactly what they want out of the relationship.