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Partner up for business

Partner up for business

Finding someone to share the business with you will take away some of the worries and responsibilities of starting a new company.

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5 ways to prevent burnout

5 ways to prevent burnout

When you’re starting a business, it’ll be easy to overwork yourself. Setting boundaries will ensure you don’t reach that point.

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4 ways to wake yourself up in the morning

4 ways to wake yourself up in the morning

We all have those days where we just can’t seem to keep our eyes open. However, with a few changes to your morning routine, you’ll be able to wake yourself up enough to finish the day.

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How is your commute affecting your health?

How is your commute affecting your health?

Research has found that traveling to and from work can negatively impact your health. However, there are measures you can take to reduce the stress of commuting and improve your overall well-being.

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4 tips for starting a business

4 tips for starting a business

With 2015’s Small Business Week coming to a close, you should consider what convinced you to start a business of your own and what makes you continue every day.

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How should you handle a PR crisis?

How should you handle a PR crisis?

With any business, there’s always the possibility of something going wrong and negatively impacting its reputation. No matter what created the issue, you’ll have to deal with the problem quickly and efficiently to curtail the situation.

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Why redesigns can be a bad idea

Why redesigns can be a bad idea

People want simple, fast and convenient. However, that doesn’t mean you should change your business’s website or product to fit in with everyone else.

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How to be a leader instead of a boss

How to be a leader instead of a boss

There’s a big difference between being a boss and being a leader. By embracing a more encouraging, teamwork-based mindset, you’ll be respected instead of feared.

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Should you start an internship program?

Should you start an internship program?

There are always college students searching for internships. However, there are a few questions you should keep in mind before you decide to offer up positions to those aspiring workers.

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