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Are small business owners prepared for retirement?

Are small business owners prepared for retirement?

Across the country, millions of small business owners may be working hard to keep their companies improving steadily, but some polls show that, when they do so, they may not actually be putting themselves in the best positions, long-term.

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How to manage your business debt

How to manage your business debt

If you borrow money, you’re going to have to pay it all back eventually. Learning how to manage your finances from the start will ensure you don’t fall further into debt.

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How much should you pay yourself?

How much should you pay yourself?

No matter who works for you or where you’re located, you’re going to have to pay your staff and that includes yourself. However, how much do you make?

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How To Price Your Products

How To Price Your Products

To counteract all the payments you’ll have, you’ll need to set price points that are low enough to not drive potential customers away but high enough to turn a profit.

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Partner up for business

Partner up for business

Finding someone to share the business with you will take away some of the worries and responsibilities of starting a new company.

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5 ways to prevent burnout

5 ways to prevent burnout

When you’re starting a business, it’ll be easy to overwork yourself. Setting boundaries will ensure you don’t reach that point.

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