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2015 is the Year of the Employee, business owners say

2015 is the Year of the Employee, business owners say

Small business owners know that their financial plan is highly contingent upon their employees, who many describe as the lifeblood of a company’s economic strength In other words, without them, the goals that entrepreneurs set out to achieve wouldn’t be possible.

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5 tips for ensuring data security

5 tips for ensuring data security

Often times it can be difficult for small business owners to think about data security in the midst of everything else going on, but forgetting about it can be a big mistake.

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Many employees cavalier about password security

Many employees cavalier about password security

The Internet has opened up many opportunities for consumers and businesses large and small. At one time, the only way workers could “check in” at their workplace was by actually being on site. Thanks to the web, however, millions of employees are able to work from the comfort of home, freeing up their schedules and reducing overhead costs for employers.

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3 ways to brand better in 2015

3 ways to brand better in 2015

This year it is easier than ever for people to market their services through a number of channels, so how do you tell a different story than everyone else selling a product in 2015?

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Most willing to move for dream job, poll finds

Most willing to move for dream job, poll finds

More than half of job seekers – 55 percent – say they would move to a new country if doing so would enable them to find their dream job, based on a recent survey done by employment search engine Monster Worldwide.

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Creating a fun culture for small business owners

Creating a fun culture for small business owners

Monolithic organizations such as Google have proven that no matter what stage your business is at, a fun culture is still possible to maintain. Small business owners can learn from companies such as Google while attempting to foster their own unique offices.

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Why you may want to replace your business’ roof

Why you may want to replace your business’ roof

Among the costliest sources of damage in the winter is wet snow that can pile up on rooftops. According to the Insurance Information Institute, roof cave-ins contribute to winter weather being the third-largest cause of insured catastrophe losses, averaging $1.2 billion per year in the past two decades.

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1 in 3 workers say they’d stay with employer after lottery win

1 in 3 workers say they’d stay with employer after lottery win

t’s pretty difficult to fit winning the lottery into your financial plan, as hitting the jackpot is a one in a million shot. But based on a new poll, the vast majority of people employees would continue to work if they struck it rich, which is good news for small business owners who rely on their staff.

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3 in 4 family-run businesses don’t have succession plan, poll finds

3 in 4 family-run businesses don’t have succession plan, poll finds

It’s estimated that 50 percent of gross domestic product in the U.S. is attributable to family-run businesses and generate 60 percent of the country’s employment. However, the structure of these companies may be at risk, as a majority of family businesses have not implemented a succession plan, based on the results of a recent study.

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3 benefits of an unlimited vacation

3 benefits of an unlimited vacation

Most countries vacation a lot more often than the U.S., so a lot of vacation time may seem a bit weird. However, ever since Richard Branson announced his company will be experimenting with unlimited vacation, the idea has caught on.

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5 problem-solving tips for small business owners

5 problem-solving tips for small business owners

If you want to own a successful business, you will have to be able to solve problems effectively. Problem-solving skills will help you deal with customers, put out fires in the workplace and handle competitors effectively.

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3 habits that will keep you productive

3 habits that will keep you productive

Starting your own business is hard work and it takes a lot of time. It isn’t everyone that can pull this off successfully, and those that do have often built a number of habits that allow them to be more productive than the average person.

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4 habits of the best small business owners

4 habits of the best small business owners

If you’re not a good boss, chances are people won’t be with your company very long. In order to maintain consistency and morale amongst your staff, you will have to treat employees well and make sure you’re always displaying the habits of a good manager.

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How to properly onboard new hires

How to properly onboard new hires

Onboarding is a necessary part of setting employees up for success, so how does a small business owner properly introduce new hires to job requirements and the company culture?

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4 ways to thank your customers

4 ways to thank your customers

Small business owners should always keep one thing in mind if they want customers to keep coming back: remember to thank them, as often as possible.

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5 Leadership skills every small business owner needs

5 Leadership skills every small business owner needs

Small business owners need leadership skills in order to foster the growth of their ideas and push employees to work their hardest. In order to be a great leader, you need more than an idea – you will need to work on certain skills and put in the time.

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