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Payroll Data

Payroll Data

Keep it secret, keep it safe When it comes to workplace confidentiality, understanding the weight of the situation is crucial. Many wrongly assume that this applies to payroll only insomuch as not revealing who makes how much money and for which jobs, but it actually...

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Building now for the future

Building now for the future

Many people dream of one day opening their own business, but not all of them know that the financial plans they make today may impact the investment advice they get in the future.

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Who does your employee work for?

Who does your employee work for?

Businesses frequently struggle with determining what capacity a worker actually serves. They know a person is on payroll and does a specific set of tasks, but as to how that individual is actually keyed into a human resources management system, it is possible that...

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Cut costs without alienating employees

Cut costs without alienating employees

Despite recent improvements in the economy, businesses are always on the lookout for the best way to maintain corporate fitness, and a lot of executives wrongly assume that repeatedly hitting the minus sign on their financial calculator is the way to go.

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Getting a small business grant

Getting a small business grant

Applying for a commercial loan and opening an account at a local bank can help a business get off the ground, but it may not cover every startup cost.

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Working too hard for the money

Working too hard for the money

There is no way to get ahead in the business world without putting in a lot of effort, and for small business owners that usually adds up to a lot more time at the office than a standard 40-hour work week.

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How much do startups really cost?

How much do startups really cost?

Entrepreneurs build their business vision before ever looking into how these dreams can monetarily be managed, meaning they may only have cursory knowledge of the process.

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Startup with costs down

Startup with costs down

Getting a business off the ground may seem like a costly endeavor, as it includes filing for a commercial loan and filling out a financial plan to prove to investors that you know what you’re talking about.

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Remembering the workers this Labor Day

Remembering the workers this Labor Day

This Labor Day, it should be noted that employers and consumers are still struggling with economic hardship nationwide, and figures remain pessimistic despite some inroads into the lingering recession.

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Safe ideas for business expansion

Safe ideas for business expansion

Consumers these days are feeling more confident, a condition reflected in positive business banking account balances, increased foot traffic and new demands for inventory.

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Going green for business savings

Going green for business savings

The economy is still struggling to emerge from a recession, and while some say that the worst is behind us, businesses are still looking for ways to cut costs as slim profit margins persist.

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Business credit makes money harder

Business credit makes money harder

Getting a commercial loan has its uses – obtaining real estate, updating facilities or expanding existing holdings – a little extra money can help give a small business the flexibility it needs to move more aggressively in an unsure market.

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Getting ready for summer vacation

Getting ready for summer vacation

The weather is getting nicer all the time and the economy is starting to level out, giving businesses the first real respite in dramatic lunges since 2007’s recession began.

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Crafting a successful business plan

Crafting a successful business plan

Banks and other investors will want to know you have a financial plan for you and your intended fledgeling company before they will be willing to partner with you, so what should you put into your first drafts in order to come up with a winning design?

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Raising Pinterest for business growth

Raising Pinterest for business growth

FInding alternate ways to promote a small business is essential for maintaining a viable financial plan even before regular outlets for advertising have been exhausted.

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Making smart moves to avoid fiscal business disaster

Making smart moves to avoid fiscal business disaster

Times are tough and the economy is sluggish. Even though gas prices are dropping and other costs holding steady, business owners may not be feeling so good about personal financial security if they’ve put too much into the endeavor.

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Figuring out your first franchise affair

Figuring out your first franchise affair

Exploring options, doing research, speaking to those who’ve been through the process and seeking financial tips on which ideas will best suit individual plans are all essential steps to take before signing any paperwork.

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