What happens if a financial plan isn't as strong as it could be? This could occur for a number of reasons, and one of the easiest ways to boost business is to attract new customers.

However, this can be easier said than done. It is relatively simple to get someone's attention, but it becomes much harder to hang onto it. Essentially, small businesses should focus on a few key marketing and financial tips to get potential clients pouring through the door.

Join the conversation
One of the best ways for a company to attract customers is to join in on one of their existing debates, according to Srikumar Rao in an article for Inc. magazine. Some firms may be tempted to start conversations, but it can be much easier to simply jump into one that is already going on. 

What this means is that the marketing strategy targets potential clients' existing needs, instead of trying to sell them on something they might not want. Rao explained this can be accomplished by simultaneously gaining both their interest and attention. In order to do this, small businesses have to pitch a product that can solve clients' problems, or one that can provide a result that they desire.

Furthermore, small business owners should get specific when attracting potential customers, Rao noted. Some entrepreneurs are too general, and try to sell the company as blanket solution for many problems. However, this doesn't really bring in clients – it instead shuttles the firm into a category with nearly every other competitor.

Efficient marketing will get the best results
It can be easy for a small business owner to want to try everything, but this could end up hurting a financial plan more than helping it. On the contrary, the best way to build a customer base is to be as focused – and efficient – as possible.

According to the Guardian, networking and social media can be great ways to build up a business. However, in order to pull this all off, the strategy needs to be focused. The firm can pick one type of customer that they want, and then go after that audience. Casting a wide net often results in wasted time and money.

In addition, social media can be a big help in that regard. New followers on Twitter can become potential clients, and small businesses should treat these resources like a store. Every visitor might as well be someone browsing around, which makes each interaction equally crucial.