Every business, from the largest to the smallest, has a diverse group of employees. Everyone has a different personality, and even small businesses have a group of people that run the gamut from the easy-going to the hard to work with. The trick is figuring out a way to manage the entire staff, in a method that is responsible, fair and conducive to a quality work environment.

When to fire certain employees
Every now and then, it comes time to fire a person who has overstepped work boundaries too many times, or pacify a workplace dispute. There are good ways to go about doing all of this, it just takes a little practice. 

Everyone has seemingly worked with people like this at one point or another: the untouchable, boisterous renegade. Sometimes, traits like this appear in one person or in several, but most companies deal appropriately with toxic employees, according to Entrepreneur magazine. Eventually, it comes time to fire one of them, if corrective behavior doesn't work first. A challenge, especially if the employee is involved in financial services, and letting someone go should be a careful process.

People who believe that they are so important to a company are ideal candidates to be let go if their productivity has dropped off greatly. Same goes for an employee who constantly instigates, or refuses constructive criticism. Keeping these types in a business can seriously limit its success.

Take the time to learn about every employee
A common mistake some managers make when handling business relations is not taking enough time to learn the nuances of their employees. This will only make a bad situation worse when it is necessary to be the bad guy, and it helps to have good relationships with every worker. If a financial plan is being discussed, it can be difficult to be the final word in an argument.

Therefore, find out how each employee acts under certain circumstances, and learn what makes them tick, according to Business Insider. If they are a "thinker," it might mean that reason and logic is the best way to settle a disagreement, when "feelers" might make their final decisions based off of past relationships and emotions, rather than just the facts. A solid financial tip is to surround a team with the right assortment of personalities, depending on the job, especially when money is involved.

When dealing with either type, it is crucial to build relationships, according to Business Insider. The more people know each other, the easier it will be to foster trust and productivity. People who like one another are more likely to work better, and improve a business.