There have been remarkable changes in the way most consumers want to do business, and if companies aren't working technology and other objectives into their financial plans, they may miss out on the best new sources of revenue. Identifying what shoppers want and giving it to them is the best way to ensure ongoing patronage, but there are also new methods for distributing advertising and luring more customers, which businesses will need to avail themselves of next year to keep up with the competition.

Moving to mobile options
Mobile devices are fueling this shift in modern consumerism, with more people than ever owning smartphones and tablets who want to do business using these outlets. Companies may still be struggling to keep up with online stores, and while these are critical deployments on their own, just as mobile banking and online banking differ, so too do the shopping experiences in these two outlets differ. Companies would be wise to come up with mobile-ready web experiences, or else look into deploying separate mobile stores, Forbes wrote, as these are the shifting domains of popular commerce.

What's more, these outlets allow for a broader scope of advertising and consumer interaction. Where once companies were limited to the individuals in their geographic region, now even small businesses can vend to a global audience if using the right advertising and mobile shopping tools.

Affording innovation
These solutions may at first be costly to acquire, but thanks to the number of other firms that already use similar tools, there are templates and other entities willing to sell these utilities to small businesses at more affordable prices. Following up with adequate security will be essential for financial fitness and consumer retention, but for those dragging their feet on the issue, Business 2 Community warned that organizations are likely to miss out if they don't move quickly on these options.

The source wrote that smartphone and tablet saturation is expected to increase substantially this holiday season, with these devices becoming more affordable, and existing owners are growing more comfortable using these tools as primary commerce outlets. This year's Black Friday purchases were more substantial in digital sales than in-store purchases, indicating that even small firms with the right broadcasting tools would be able to launch their promotions into such rich pools. Attracting more customers just by offering mobile deployments makes these a fantastic return on investment.