4 tips for coming up with the best name for your small business
Choosing the right name for your small business is about finding something that is easy to remember and simple to advertise.
4 steps to making your meetings more productive
Meetings can seem like they take forever – a long waste of too many people’s time – but there are ways to get the most out of them by ensuring they are run correctly.
4 Ways to Thank Your Customers
Small business owners should always keep one thing in mind if they want customers to keep coming back: remember to thank them, as often as possible.
An ownership structure guide for small business owners
There are a number of ownership structures for entrepreneurs to look at before starting their small businesses, each with unique advantages and disadvantages fit for different types of owners and industries.
5 things for small business owners to consider about the cloud
Cloud computing has grown in popularity in recent year and for good reason, but small business owners should consider a few things before investing.
How small businesses owners can define a target market
Here’s one of many great financial tips: identify a target customer base and sell to them and you will make money. No one can market to everyone, but small businesses can get by perfectly well with a targeted niche demographic.
Survey shows small business owners are confident about the future
Despite lingering concerns about health care costs as well as the functionality of government, most small business owners are optimistic about 2015.
How small businesses can build trust with customers
Trust is a fragile thing, small businesses must do everything they can to maintain it in their relationships with customers.
5 ways cloud computing can help small businesses
Small businesses have been embracing the cloud for a reason – it’s too advantageous to ignore.
5 Leadership skills every small business owner needs
Small business owners need leadership skills in order to foster the growth of their ideas and push employees to work their hardest. In order to be a great leader, you need more than an idea – you will need to work on certain skills and put in the time.
4 ways for small businesses to strengthen customer loyalty
There are a number of ways to ensure that customers keep coming back – essential for small businesses seeking long-term growth.
Minimum wage increases pass in multiple states
Minimum wage is a divisive issue among small business owners, and yesterday a number of state referendums approved raising it.
Hiring from within for small business owners
One great way for growing small businesses to find effective managers is to promote from within.
5 ways to boost your productivity
Boosting productivity is a common desire, but it is easier said than done.
Americans aren’t taking enough time off
Despite the health benefits of taking vacations, many employees aren’t, but why?
The 5 personality types every small business needs
A successful small business doesn’t only depend on the idea, it also hinges on the role players.
The differences between LLCs and corporations
Many small businesses will eventually have to move on from partnership or sole proprietorship status. Owners should understand the differences between corporations and LLCs for when that time comes.
Determining your small business’s target market
Many businesses fail within five years, and though there are many for reasons for this, often times it is simply because there’s no market for the product or service offered.
Year-end checklist for small businesses
There are just a couple months left in the year, and small business owners should be putting together checklists in order to make sure they’re prepared for the end of 2014.
Reducing debt for small business owners
The early years of small business ownership are critical, and if you find yourself in debt during that initial period you will need a smart financial plan to avoid failing.
5 things to consider before opening a second small business location
Opening a second location for your small business can be an exciting prospect, but this does not mean that it will be easy.
Public speaking advice for small business owners
Public speaking is a crucial tool for small business owners who wish to promote their products and services.
Barbara Corcoran and Heidi Roizen share small business owner tips
People don’t just hand money out, they need a compelling reason to fund your business. A solid financial plan, creative concepts or the satisfaction of gaps in the market are all things that they may look for in a company.
Don’t let your employees come into work sick
Most small business employees go to work sick – don’t let them.
Alternative Ways To Increase Small Business Web Traffic
If you’re utilizing keywords and social media, but your small business’s website traffic isn’t increasing, try looking toward alternative solutions.
4 networking tips for small business owners
In business networking is vital and should always be a priority.
How To Set Up Employees for Success
It’s important for small businesses to create a working environment where employees are set up to succeed.
How to price products at your small business
A good pricing strategy is vital to a prosperous business, but difficult to nail down.
3 tips for funding your small business
One of the mysteries of starting a small business is funding. How do owners pay for their ventures, and how do they keep that money coming in?
How to create an engaging small business story
Small businesses must sell themselves as much as the products that they provide, and a compelling story should be part of the sale strategy.
5 tips for managing your funds better
Mistakes are easy for small business owners to make – it’s a learning experience for many after all – however there are some errors you can’t afford to let slip.
3 tips for securing an investment
Securing an investment in your small business can be a huge boon to growth and provide you with a trove of resources that you never had before.
Social media marketing advice for the holidays
The holiday season is fast approaching, and with it will come a wave of marketing campaigns, many of which will be based out of social media platforms this year.
Changes to FICO have benefited small businesses
Fair Isaac Corporation’s new credit scoring model has been a boon to sole proprietors.
5 tips on building brand loyalty
Brand loyalty is hard to come by and business owners should be doing everything they can to ensure that consumers keep coming back.
5 tips for attracting the best talent
Small businesses often live and die by their talent, so how do owners attract employees knowledgeable enough to keep the company alive?
4 financial mistakes for small business owners to avoid
First-time small business owners shouldn’t be expected to be experts in financial planning. If everyone who began a new venture had a thorough understanding of their finances, the success rate for neophyte businesses would probably be much higher.
4 suggestions to improve the break room
Break rooms are an important space in any small business, and maintaining one that is clean and entertaining for employees is essential to maintaining a good mood.
4 tips for small business owners on preparing for the fall season
Fall is coming, and with the new season the crisp winds will blow in holiday sales opportunities and end-of-the-year tasks.
3 tips for avoiding bad hires
Make sure your hiring process is flawless, because if it isn’t, it could cost you later on.
Competing in e-commerce for small businesses
Competing against the titans of the e-commerce world isn’t easy.
4 financial tips for small business owners
Starting a small business can be an exciting time, but things might get a little less than exhilarating when your financial plan is the topic of discussion.
Would you hire someone with tattoos?
The clerk at your community bank reaches out with a roll of quarters and as you look down to grab them out of her hand, you notice an elaborate smattering of colors and shapes winding up her arm.
Small Businesses Should Include Kindness in Their Culture
Acts of kindness within the community and beyond can be helpful for small businesses who seek to build a strong brand and positive reputation.
5 tips on content marketing for small businesses
If you haven’t organized a content marketing campaign for your small business, you should probably get started.
How small businesses can take advantage of e-commerce
Despite the prophesied brick-and-mortar annihilation at the hand of online retail, the idea that e-commerce is rapidly overtaking traditional retail is going the way of the Mayan apocalypse.
4 ways to start a business without much money
Say you would like to start a business, but find the prospect next to impossible because of the reason you’d like to start it in the first place – you have no money.
Don’t get stuck in startup mode
How great would it be if every employee at every company skateboarded to meetings and used hooded sweatshirts instead of obscene amounts of coffee in order to disguise hangovers?
Communicate clearly for better business
The best way top get ahead in business is to communicate effectively.
Small business owners add jobs in August
August served as the 11th consecutive month in which firms added more workers than they lost via job cuts, the National Federation of Independent Business reported.