A lot of small business owners have one – the cluttered, messy workspace. Even worse, some find that this lack of organization spreads throughout the day, into other aspects of their company and personal life.

In order to avoid these problems, keep business banking on track and remain motivated, leaders have to start by looking at themselves. A well-organized individual should be able to get more done throughout the day, stay focused easier and feel more productive at the end of it all. Thankfully, these goals are relatively easy to achieve.

To get started, a small business owner should pay attention to these key financial tips and tricks to stay organized:

1. Start with the workspace
It all begins here. One of the first stops during the day, a small business owner will often enter their office and sit right down at their desk. This sight may sound familiar – a mess of papers, folders and binders, used coffee cups, pens and pencils and countless other pieces of clutter. Underneath it all somewhere is the desk, perhaps. According to Andrea Parker in an article for Big Ideas Blog, this space has to be cleaned. It doesn't have to be flawless, but needed supplies have to be close by when called upon. Throughout the day, added mess is fine. However, at the end, it should look clean and clear.

2. Use to-do lists
Many small business owners may have turned to technology to stay organized, but regardless, a to-do list should be part of that plan. Parker explained that due dates and important tasks should be jotted down, so nothing slips by undetected. Everything can be recorded, from a phone call home to a meeting with investors. Better yet, adding that checkmark can be quite satisfying. 

3. Set achievable goals
Reaching for the stars is great, but it can distract a small business from completing more achievable goals. According to Inc. magazine, these should be realistic. That way, it will be easier to stay focused on them and be rewarded for hitting benchmarks. Otherwise, those lofty aspirations might go incomplete for an extended period of time, leading to frustration and discontent.

4. Get off on the right foot
The morning isn't just a time for a hurried meal and a cup of coffee. Instead, Inc. magazine noted that it should be for prioritization. First thing, small business owners should dedicate a few minutes to planning the rest of the day. All important tasks should get laid out, so one will be more organized and efficient.