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CISA Cyber Essentials Toolkit

CISA Cyber Essentials Toolkit

The Cysbersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) launched a toolkit! The toolkit contains modules which break down Cyber Essentials into bite-sized actions. Each module is will aid IT and C-suite leadership work toward full implementation of each Cyber...

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What Matters Most – Teaching Children to Save

What Matters Most – Teaching Children to Save

In this episode, we talk about teaching children to save with Tara Baldwin and Ryan Dotson, Relationship Advisors at First United offices in Morgantown, West Virginia. Tara and Ryan spearheaded a virtual outreach effort using remote teaching tools: videos and printable items, to help teachers and parents with financial education tools during the pandemic.

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Helping You Fight Fraud

Helping You Fight Fraud

Digital fraudsters have developed COVID-related scams to take advantage of consumers during this very challenging time. Be cautious and follow these tips to keep yourself and your finances safe and secure.

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Financial Literacy: Compound Interest

Financial Literacy: Compound Interest

Understanding interest is crucial when investing your money. Given the option to earn simple or compound interest, you should always choose the latter. To understand compound interest, you first need to have a good understanding of simple interest. Here at First United Bank & Trust, we strive to make wealth management as easy as possible, so we’ve put together a helpful guide that clearly outlines how compound interest works.

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To Buy or Not to Buy?

To Buy or Not to Buy?

Investing is like life: nothing ventured, nothing gained.If you're planning to buy a home, you probably have good reasons for your decision. It may be that you share the feeling that owning your own home is a key part of the American dream. But there are also...

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Join the 2020 Pay It Forward Initiative!

First United Bank & Trust, in partnership with the Maryland Bankers Association’s Emerging Leaders Program, will be conducting a FLEECE BLANKET DRIVE beginning now through March 31. All donations will go to the non-profit, London's Legacy.  Their mission is to...

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An Uncommon Story – March-Westin

An Uncommon Story – March-Westin

Phil Weser shares the inspiring, uncommon story of March-Westin. We celebrate the uncommon stories from our community! Our collective stories bind us, strengthen and empower us. It’s why, at First United, we’re so committed to helping your story take shape and seeing it play out.

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Phone Scam Concerns

Phone Scam Concerns

Every day, fraudsters are increasing their efforts to acquire account information. At First United, we have a strong commitment to keeping your personal information secure.

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Cut the Cost of Your Loan Debt

Cut the Cost of Your Loan Debt

Loans give us the ability to pay for things we otherwise could never afford. Can you imagine if you couldn’t get a loan for a car or a house? If mortgages weren’t a thing, most Americans wouldn’t ever own a home. Loans and mortgages are definitely good, but only when you use them responsibly.

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Be Cautious – Watch for Scams this season!

Be Cautious – Watch for Scams this season!

The security of your personal information is important to us, especially during this holiday season. Large amounts of electronic transactions and notifications occur this time of year, increasing fraudulent activity. Awareness should be at a...

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5 Major Investing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

5 Major Investing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

It’s equally as important to learn about investment mistakes as it is to bone up on investment tips and tricks. Whether you’re looking for good investments for beginners or you’re a seasoned investor who has doubled your earnings in the past year, staying up-to-date with the latest investment missteps is key to solidifying your wealth management.

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An Uncommon Story – FCX Systems

An Uncommon Story – FCX Systems

FCX Systems co-founders, Allen Wright and Matt Howell, share their uncommon story. At First United, we celebrate the uncommon stories from our community! Our collective stories bind us, strengthen and empower us. It’s why, at First United, we’re so committed to helping your story take shape and seeing it play out.

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The 10 Best Car-Buying Tips!

The 10 Best Car-Buying Tips!

A vehicle is a major investment. Even used cars have an average price of $20,000 and if you finance, your monthly payments could be $400 or more. So, before you begin shopping for a new car, consider these 10-best car-buying tips.

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Four Ways to Save on Car Insurance

Four Ways to Save on Car Insurance

With automobile insurance mandatory in most states, you know you have to buy it. Sorting through the advertising jargon to discover what is the best deal for you is time-consuming and confusing. Here are five quick tips you can use to save money and protect yourself in case you are in a wreck.

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Attention Women-Owned Businesses: Your Guide to the Best Loans

Attention Women-Owned Businesses: Your Guide to the Best Loans

Favorable economic conditions make it easier than ever for individuals to secure loans with low interest rates. Also, mainstream financial institutions often look at only the past three years of credit history to approve a small business loan, making it viable for emerging entrepreneurs to tap into the funds they need to create a thriving company. 

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An Uncommon Story – Ascension Recovery Services

An Uncommon Story – Ascension Recovery Services

Ascension Recovery Services, headquartered in Morgantown, West Virginia, was founded by CEO Doug Leech. Leech has gone through addiction and recovery himself, leading to a level of empathy, understanding, and commitment to its residents and community that’s unparalleled to anywhere else. That’s why First United Bank is proud to help share its uncommon story.

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Real Ways to Actually Save Money on an Average Salary

Real Ways to Actually Save Money on an Average Salary

Whether you make $150,000 or $40,000 a year, you work hard for your money. A lot of people think the more money you make, the more you can save. But at the end of the day, your ability to save all depends on your expenses. We’ve scoured high and low for some of the best money-saving tips for those living on a typical salary.

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Mobile Banking Gives Consumers Another Service to Love

Mobile Banking Gives Consumers Another Service to Love

Some consumers still love going into a branch and interacting with their local bankers. Nothing can replace great one-on-one customer service. But what about those days when you are delayed at work and you can’t get to your bank to deposit a check? Or you are on vacation and you need to check your account balance?

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First United Sponsors Operation Rec. Fore Vets

First United Sponsors Operation Rec. Fore Vets

First United is partnering with Brown Funeral Home of Martinsburg as a primary sponsor of their upcoming charity golf tournament “Operation Rec. Fore Vets”. The event is to be held in September with proceeds benefiting the veteran men and women in the Martinsburg VA Medical Center for recreational therapy for veterans. First United Bank is proud to help sponsor this event. Pictured are Jordan Fields of Brown Funeral Home and Dave Hart of the First United Edwin Miller community office.

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Moving Checklist: Budgeting for Your Next Move

Moving Checklist: Budgeting for Your Next Move

Moving is stressful, no doubt about it. To ensure your next move goes as smoothly as possible, it’s helpful to create a budget—and stick to it. With your finances under control, you can focus your attention on getting to your new place as quickly as possible and settling in.

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