Aug 13, 2013 | Running Your Business
A small business owner might be tempted to turn into a "yes machine," where every answer ends in the affirmative. Saying yes may seem like the appropriate response for a number of situations, but there are actually times when a small business just has...
Aug 12, 2013 | Community and Family, Running Your Business
Eventually, an entrepreneur will hit a wall with his or her business venture. This can come in a number of different forms – but overall, income trickles to a halt and new customers walk through the door with less frequency. A financial plan can account for...
Aug 9, 2013 | Banking and Finance, Running Your Business
Have economic times finally turned a corner? The answer is yes in the eyes of many small business owners, and more are feeling confident, according to a recent report from the National Small Business Association. The companies surveyed are comfortable with their...
Aug 6, 2013 | Banking and Finance, Running Your Business
Growing a small business from a little start-up to a sustainable revenue-churning machine takes practice, and building an ideal company means the owner has to evolve alongside their venture. The best financial plan is adaptable, and many small businesses are founded...
Jul 29, 2013 | Banking and Finance, Running Your Business
Business mistakes may sound easy to avoid, but unfortunately, they do happen. The best financial plan can crumble around a small business owner's ears, and sometimes the best way to get back on top is to look at those problems and find out where it all went...