4 rebranding tips for small business owners

4 rebranding tips for small business owners

Your brand is the identifying quality of your company. It is the culture of your small business and it will determine both your consumer base and your bottom line. If things aren't going smoothly with your small business, and you suspect it may be a branding...
4 rebranding tips for small business owners

Planning for next year’s business practices

There have been remarkable changes in the way most consumers want to do business, and if companies aren't working technology and other objectives into their financial plans, they may miss out on the best new sources of revenue. Identifying what shoppers want and...
4 rebranding tips for small business owners

Preparing for new technology assets

A growing trend in the workplace is the inundation of mobile devices like tablets and smartphones, most of which are consumer-owned. These have been serving as a means for businesses of all sizes to target sales and advertising information at specific users, but there...