Jul 25, 2014 | Running Your Business
As consumers, we all have preferences when it comes to what we buy, where we buy it and how much we spend. While it can be challenging to compete with the big competitors when it comes to marketing, small businesses have the upper hand when creating an effective brand...
Jul 23, 2014 | Running Your Business
Few elements of a small business are as vital as the website. It is here that many customers first encounter your company, and a strong first impression will make the difference between increasing sales, boosting a financial plan or running into problems. Therefore,...
Jul 22, 2014 | Running Your Business
Healthy living can have widespread, positive benefits – and, for employers, improving the wellness of their staff members has the potential to lead to increased productivity, lower expenses and fewer insurance claims.Above all else, healthy workers are a good...
Jul 21, 2014 | Community and Family
Family is incredibly important. You rely on them for support, guidance and friendship, and having this strong structure in place can make it easier to balance your work and your personal life. However, many people bring family into the workplace as well, and this can...
Jul 18, 2014 | Banking and Finance
Few things are as important to a small business as the prices of the products and services. With the right numbers, sales and customers could start to increase – and finding that sweet spot should be one of your primary goals.However, a lot can go wrong...