Dec 19, 2014 | Running Your Business
Technology is constantly advancing at an ever-quickening pace, and as 2015 fast approaches, small business owners should be aware of the technological changes that will affect them. From 3D printing to the sharing economy, the digitization of the world as a whole...
Dec 18, 2014 | Running Your Business
One vital element of a small businesses survival is ensuring that it is a place that people want to work. Going to work every day shouldn't be an awful experience for your employees, it should be something that they enjoy and take pride in. When your staff...
Dec 17, 2014 | Running Your Business
Hiring mistakes can end up costing your business a lot, so it is important to make sure that every employee you bring on is a smart hire. If you bring the wrong individual onboard, you could be dealing with productivity issues and feuding employees, among other...
Dec 11, 2014 | Running Your Business
The year is coming to an end, and as a small business owner you should start planning for 2015.Come January 1, you should make some New Year's resolutions for your business as well as for yourself. The next few weeks should be for reviewing how the past year...
Dec 5, 2014 | Running Your Business
Letting employees choose when they work could prove beneficial for some small businesses. Flextime, or the option to vary work hours, can improve your staff’s overall morale and increase productivity, Bankrate explained. This distribution of work hours can be...