Jul 27, 2015 | Banking and Finance, Running Your Business
Your personal finances only go so far when paying for your small business. You may have to take out commercial loans or borrow from family members. Suppliers may be willing to give you an extension on bills. If you're a great tenant, your landlord may even offer...
Jul 23, 2015 | Banking and Finance, Running Your Business
Starting a business on your own can be expensive. You’ll need to be able to purchase supplies to build your product or provide your service. Depending on the type of company you run, you may also need money for employees and a location. You’ll contribute...
Jul 1, 2015 | Banking and Finance, Running Your Business
Small businesses come in all shapes and sizes. You could run your company out of your home office or you may have an actual building. You may be the only worker or you might oversee several employees. No matter who works for you or where you're located,...
Jun 24, 2015 | Running Your Business
Starting your own small business can be stressful. All the tasks will fall on your shoulders. While you may be able to convince some of your friends and family to give you a hand, you will ultimately be responsible for everything. Finding someone to share the business...
Jun 4, 2015 | Banking and Finance, Running Your Business
Unfortunately, starting a business isn’t cheap. You’ll need money for a location, employees, renovations and your product or service. You’ll have to find ways to collect enough money to do all of the things you need to do and not the ones you just...