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Building business in a barren landscape

Building business in a barren landscape

There may have been more enthusiasm for some business when they first opened, but now that the economy is still in a slump, even startup companies are finding it hard to get a good grounding in terms of establishing a customer base.

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Check yourself before you wreck your small business

Check yourself before you wreck your small business

Starting your own work-from-home business may feel simpler and easier than investing in a storefront, buying technology and filling a space with inventory, but it’s important to know if you’re allowed to before you go ahead and do it, or else you could be in serious legal trouble.

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First figuring for financial fitness

First figuring for financial fitness

Before forging ahead with buying inventory, pursuing a commercial loan or hiring your first employee, putting a total dollar amount on opening up shop will help determine if it’s a feasible idea or just a pipe dream.

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Finding a friendly place for your business to call home

Finding a friendly place for your business to call home

One of the biggest steps in a new business’ financial plan should be figuring out where to set up shop. It may not be as simple though as looking for a vacant storefront; you might want to consider first the different speed bumps state and federal governments could throw in your way.

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Smart business through technology growth

Smart business through technology growth

As a small business, your cash flow is strong and consistent and you’re starting to think about where you might want to put money back into your company to help it grow. If you’re still running on old technology you might want to consider an update; you might actually be hurting your productivity.

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Group-Term Life Insurance as an Employee Benefit

Group-Term Life Insurance as an Employee Benefit

Employers know that the employees of a business will effectively determine whether the venture will be a success or not. Committed employees who are satisfied with their jobs, and the rewards their jobs bring, are a significant asset of any successful business. That...

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Looking for funds in all the wrong places

Looking for funds in all the wrong places

Your business might be feeling the pinch this year as prices on goods keep going up but consumer spending doesn’t keep up. Before you put in all your savings, talk to My Bank about your financing options.

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Is now a good time to hire?

Is now a good time to hire?

Your small business has come a long way but maybe you’re noticing more often that you just don’t seem to have enough time to get everything done anymore.

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Study offers insight into common cash flow pitfalls

Study offers insight into common cash flow pitfalls

Research sponsored by small business coaching firm Advicoach found that as many as half of entrepreneurs running their own firms use personal credit cards to compensate for poor cash flow caused by a lack of funding or revenue.

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How to forecast revenue

How to forecast revenue

The idea of predicting revenue can be a daunting one. After all, nothing is certain, and even conditions you’re fairly confident about can change unexpectedly.

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Don’t overlook succession planning

Don’t overlook succession planning

According to a 2009 study conducted by The Family Firm Institute, fewer than one-third of family-owned small businesses make it to the second generation, approximately 15 percent to the third and just 3 percent to the fourth and beyond.

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