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What Matters Most – Nonprofit Conversation with Denise Phelps

What Matters Most – Nonprofit Conversation with Denise Phelps

Today we talk with Denise Phelps, Market President serving Berkeley County, WV about her involvement in nonprofits and a great resource, a Lunch & Learn series, that is now available online due to the pandemic, and available in the Berkeley County market for nonprofits. Learn more at https://MyBank.com/lunchandlearn and learn of some of the great Uncommon Stories about nonprofits mentioned in the episode at https://MyBank.com/stories

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What Matters Most – Education Planning with Keith Sanders

What Matters Most – Education Planning with Keith Sanders

We’re joined today by Keith Sanders, Senior Trust Advisor in the Wealth Management area of First United to talk about Education Planning and the rising cost of college. In this episode, Keith provides insights into proper planning, management, and account types that can benefit parents and grandparents when helping their child or grandchild plan for the expenses that come with higher education. Tune in for great tips and information that can help you!

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Bulls & Bears Newsletter – October 2020

Bulls & Bears Newsletter – October 2020

The latest Bulls & Bears Newsletter from our Wealth Management advisors can provide you the latest insights into the market, trends and impacts. Download and print right from our website.

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Building Business Infrastructure with Tony Roedersheimer

Building Business Infrastructure with Tony Roedersheimer

In the second episode of our series, we are joined again today by Tony Roedersheimer, Commercial Relationship Manager in the Frederick Maryland market area, to discuss building business infrastructure. Tony provides us with the importance of and the nuances to building a strong business from the ground up. Join us for the second of this 3-part series with Tony where we’ll be discussing several topics related to business.

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2020 First United – United Way Golf Tournament

2020 First United – United Way Golf Tournament

The 2020 First United golf tournament to benefit the United Way was held in a unique environment, due to COVID 19 restrictions. However, our teams had a great day and beautiful weather to enjoy the course. We will update this post later with results of the amount...

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First United Wins Garrett County Republican’s “Garrett’s Greatest” Readers’ Choice Award

First United Wins Garrett County Republican’s “Garrett’s Greatest” Readers’ Choice Award

​2020 marks the inaugural presentation of the Garrett County Republican’s ‘Garrett’s Greatest’ Readers’ Choice Awards. These awards are the results of this year’s survey that were published in the Garrett County Republican and the republican website and Facebook page during the months of July & August. Nearly 34,000 votes were counted and all winners will be announced in a special supplement today (9/24/20), in the Garrett County Republican.

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Main Street Loan Programs with Tony Roedersheimer

Main Street Loan Programs with Tony Roedersheimer

​In today’s episode, we are joined by Tony Roedersheimer, Commercial Relationship Manager in the Frederick Maryland market area, to discuss the Main Street Loan Program which was initiated due to the CARES Act. Tony provides us with details about the program, the benefits of it, the timelines around the program, and information on who could benefit from it. Join us for this first of a 3-part series with Tony where we’ll be discussing several topics related to business.

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Online Dating Scams

Online Dating Scams

Online dating scams are becoming more and more prevalent and can play with your emotions to target your wallet. Review the helpful infographic below from the ABA to see best practices to avoid this type of scam.

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PPP Loan Forgiveness Update with Jason Rush

PPP Loan Forgiveness Update with Jason Rush

Today we release a bit early this week to talk about PPP Loan Forgiveness. Jason Rush, Chief Operating Officer at First United Bank & Trust joins us today to talk about PPP Loan Forgiveness, and some of the common questions that are being asked.

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HR & Motivation Beyond Money

HR & Motivation Beyond Money

Today we talk once again with Amanda McKenzie (amckenzie@mybank.com) and Chuck Olsson (colsson@mybank.com) from the First United Human Resources department to discuss human resources and how business owners can motivate their staff beyond money. How can you find what best motivates your staff? What are some creative options? We discuss several options in this episode!

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HR & Cultural Fit

HR & Cultural Fit

Today we talk with Amanda McKenzie (amckenzie@mybank.com) and Chuck Olsson (colsson@mybank.com) from the First United Human Resources department to discuss human resources and cultural fit. How important is it to ensure that you have and hire people in your business who fit your culture? We discuss how to find the right people, steps to take and how to maintain that culture once you’ve hired associates.

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Making an Impact & Being Influential with Alan Mullendore

Making an Impact & Being Influential with Alan Mullendore

Today we talk about “making an impact” with Alan Mullendore (amullendore@mybank.com), Market President at First United serving Washington and Frederick counties in Maryland. We discuss the butterfly effect of how small actions can have a major impact on not only your life, but the lives of those around you, well into the future and finding that passion and purpose in your life will lead you to a place where you can make that impact in your community.

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Monthly Economic & Market Update with Megan Kinsinger

Monthly Economic & Market Update with Megan Kinsinger

In our monthly Market and Economic Update, Megan Kinsinger, Portfolio Manager in First United’s Wealth Management area joins us to discuss the latest report; current trends and the positives and negatives impacting our economy currently.

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What Matters Most – Financing Your Education with Jason VanSickle & Laura Helmich

What Matters Most – Financing Your Education with Jason VanSickle & Laura Helmich

What Matters Most today is Financing Your Education. We’re joined today by Jason VanSickle, Vice President & Director of Automated Lending and Laura Helmich, Student Loan Specialist at First United Bank & Trust. We discuss the big decisions and the financial process involved in receiving, applying for or refinancing your student aid: scholarships, federal aid and private student loans for gap coverage.

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CISA Cyber Essentials Toolkit

CISA Cyber Essentials Toolkit

The Cysbersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) launched a toolkit! The toolkit contains modules which break down Cyber Essentials into bite-sized actions. Each module is will aid IT and C-suite leadership work toward full implementation of each Cyber...

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What Matters Most – Teaching Children to Save

What Matters Most – Teaching Children to Save

In this episode, we talk about teaching children to save with Tara Baldwin and Ryan Dotson, Relationship Advisors at First United offices in Morgantown, West Virginia. Tara and Ryan spearheaded a virtual outreach effort using remote teaching tools: videos and printable items, to help teachers and parents with financial education tools during the pandemic.

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What Matters Most – Marketing in Uncertain Times with Sean Hockenbery

What Matters Most – Marketing in Uncertain Times with Sean Hockenbery

Is now a good time to be advertising your business? In this week’s episode, Sean Hockenbery, President of Financial Marketing Solutions (http://financialmarketingsolutions.com) joins us to chat about tips, ideas and best practices related to marketing and advertising for your business during uncertain times.

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What Matters Most – Cybersecurity with Joyce Flinn

What Matters Most – Cybersecurity with Joyce Flinn

In this week’s episode, Joyce Flinn, Vice President, Information Security & Disaster Recovery Officer at First United joins us to discuss best practices to staying safe and secure from cyber threats during the pandemic, when security threats have risen fourfold.

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Bulls & Bears Newsletter – April 2020

Bulls & Bears Newsletter – April 2020

The latest Bulls & Bears Newsletter from our Wealth Management advisors can provide you the latest insights into the market, trends and impacts. Download and print right from our website.

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Helping You Fight Fraud

Helping You Fight Fraud

Digital fraudsters have developed COVID-related scams to take advantage of consumers during this very challenging time. Be cautious and follow these tips to keep yourself and your finances safe and secure.

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Allegany County health department launches COVID-19 call center

Allegany County health department launches COVID-19 call center

The Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act 2020 (H.R. 6074) expanded the Small Business Act’s definition of a disaster to include Coronavirus (COVID-19). As a result, the SBA will be able to provide Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDLs) under a Governor’s Certification Disaster Declaration.

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A Message from the US Small Business Administration

A Message from the US Small Business Administration

The Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act 2020 (H.R. 6074) expanded the Small Business Act’s definition of a disaster to include Coronavirus (COVID-19). As a result, the SBA will be able to provide Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDLs) under a Governor’s Certification Disaster Declaration.

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