Jun 15, 2024 | Community and Family
Why Understanding Banking Matters Financial literacy is essential for navigating today’s complex economy, but many people—young and old alike—lack the tools and knowledge to manage their finances effectively. While traditional home economics classes once taught skills...
Jan 14, 2013 | Community and Family
The cost associated with death is not just emotional – it can be a huge financial burden, too. Though it may not be somethingthat many people are comfortable thinking about, it is never too soon to make alterations to a financial plan to take into account how...
Dec 4, 2012 | Running Your Business
Imagine having a comprehensive tool that allows for easy monitoring of employee payroll and payments that also helps keep track of business bank accounts, overhead and vendor costs. This is the job of payroll software, and when networked properly with human resources...
Oct 25, 2012 | Community and Family
There are times in life when a financial plan is set on its ear, and while the tumult of everyday life could make focusing on money difficult, it is essential to keep money at a balancing point to ensure that other aspects don't go haywire. Such is the case when...
Sep 27, 2012 | Community and Family
Two people in love will likely get married, and when they do, their finances will become intertwined. Being open about money before then is only fair to your partner, and while it may be uncomfortable to discuss economic hurdles from your past, it is the smartest way...