Dec 20, 2013 | Running Your Business
The new year is just around the corner, and small business owners everywhere may be working on their lists of resolutions.In order to take full advantage of 2014, leaders across all industries should take the time to evaluate their own performances, and see if any...
Dec 19, 2013 | Community and Family
Friends and family are what drive many people – especially entrepreneurs – to keep working hard and reaching for their goals. However, a number of small business owners find that they aren't happy with their companies, and that too much has...
Dec 18, 2013 | Banking and Finance
Small business owners are used to marketing their products and services. However, this tactic can also be ideal for selling the company as a whole. There comes a time in the life of all firms when selling or merging becomes a reality. The owner may want to move on to...
Dec 17, 2013 | Banking and Finance
Yes, tax season is technically in April. However, that doesn't mean small business owners should forget about this crucial financial aspect during other months throughout the year.Aside from the deadline itself, few times are as important as the end of the year...
Dec 12, 2013 | Running Your Business
A small business owner must pay close attention to many financial tips. However, an influx of information can often get a little overwhelming, making each decision much more important. As a leader, it is up to the owner to make tough decisions, not ping them off on a...