Costly mistakes for small business owners

Costly mistakes for small business owners

A small business owner will make plenty of mistakes. This is a fact of running a company, and the most successful leaders install a financial plan that can handle a few bumps and bruises along the way.Not all mistakes are alike. In fact, a number of them are...
Costly mistakes for small business owners

How to approach money management differently

In many cases, small business owners have a set way for managing money before they ever begin their new venture. However, what works in one’s personal life might not cut it when it’s time to run a company. Instead of letting a financial plan slip away,...
Tips to attract new clients to a small business

Small business social media trends

When it comes to marketing, few strategies are as cost-effective and friendly to a financial plan as social media. A small business could receive a serious boost from implementing these sites into the company, and there are several ways one could do just that.However,...