Tips to build a great business strategy

Tips to build a great business strategy

At some point during the life of a small business, owners realize that customers aren't flowing in. This could be because of several reasons, but regardless, the financial plan is struggling and profits are on the way down.Thankfully, there are a number of ways to...
Tips to build a great business strategy

4 tips to keep a small business organized

A lot of small business owners have one – the cluttered, messy workspace. Even worse, some find that this lack of organization spreads throughout the day, into other aspects of their company and personal life.In order to avoid these problems, keep business...
Tips to build a great business strategy

Simple small business strategies for the new year

The new year is just around the corner, and small business owners everywhere may be working on their lists of resolutions.In order to take full advantage of 2014, leaders across all industries should take the time to evaluate their own performances, and see if any...
How marketing can sell a small business

How marketing can sell a small business

Small business owners are used to marketing their products and services. However, this tactic can also be ideal for selling the company as a whole.There comes a time in the life of all firms when selling or merging becomes a reality. The owner may want to move on to...