Traits to look for in any quality employee

Traits to look for in any quality employee

The life of a small business owner isn't one of solitude. In fact, those who try to go it alone will often find themselves crashing and burning. But entrepreneurs with a sound team around them, from co-workers to financial services, could end up succeeding.And,...
Traits to look for in any quality employee

How a small business can get its first client

Getting started as an entrepreneur can be a complicated, scary process. This is even more true for those who just quit their steady jobs to branch out into their dream career, and now find themselves facing a number of challenges.For one, it can be tough to get...
What to know about a small business tax audit

What to know about a small business tax audit

Tax season can be an enjoyable time for small businesses or a pulse-pounding one – getting a nice refund can be a welcomed feeling, but filling out paperwork can be a dreaded task.Regardless of one's personal feelings toward this time of year, nobody wants to...
Traits to look for in any quality employee

Improve customer loyalty for a small business

Every company revolves around its customers. Without them, a financial plan could suffer, profits might dry up and the business could go under. On the contrary, fantastic, loyal consumers mean the world to any firm, and owners and managers should do whatever it...