The business guide to workers’ compensation

The business guide to workers’ compensation

When an employee gets hurt on the job, he or she can leave a gap in the workplace. His or her work will need to be reassigned, you may need to find a temporary worker to replace the person and productivity could take a nose dive. However, if you don’t have...
The business guide to workers’ compensation

5 reasons to go green in business

The planet is in a state of turmoil. Resources are dwindling, pollution is ever-present and the temperatures are rising. As the population grows and locations become more urbanized, the state of the environment worsens. People's behaviors and companies'...
The business guide to workers’ compensation

How does employee turnover hurt your company?

When you start recruiting employees, you set out to find the ones that will be the best fit for both the position and the company. Interviews and a probationary period usually provide enough information to know you have made the right choice. However, new hires will...