5 tips to keep employees productive

5 tips to keep employees productive

A small business won't be able to succeed without quality employees filling out the ranks. Unfortunately, this is often easier said than done, because finding great workers can be challenging in today's tough job environment.But, it should still be a goal...
5 tips to keep employees productive

Why listening is key for a small business

An owner of a small business typically has a lot of tools and tricks at his or her disposal to learn about customers and the industry – marketing, research, historical information – but one thing that is often overlooked is listening.In fact, the best...
5 tips to keep employees productive

Avoid common mistakes when building a startup

A potential entrepreneur isn't going to create a business without first encountering a few obstacles and bumps in the road along the way. This is a fact of life for any startup – problems do happen, and the response to these issues will often define...
4 cash-saving tips for a small business

4 cash-saving tips for a small business

Life as an entrepreneur and owner of a small business can be both complicated and challenging. There are the day-to-day managerial tasks, like dealing with staff members, and there are the larger, broad duties, such as creating an effective financial plan and ensuring...
5 tips to keep employees productive

How Pinterest works for a small business

Small businesses across the country understand the importance of social media. There are sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn out there to connect with clients, reach out to other professionals and expand the awareness of the company. However, these big three...