Protect your company from hackers

Protect your company from hackers

Since 2005, there have been more than 75 data breaches where at least 1 million records were compromised, according to Bloomberg. With an ever-growing technological world, protecting both your company's and your clients' information is of the utmost importance....
Email guidelines: the proper way to handle online communications

Creating publicity for your company

In order to be successful in business, people actually have to know about you. You'll need to find ways to get your name out there to drive in consumers. The media, both the news kind and the social networking one, are great ways to promote your business if you go...
Email guidelines: the proper way to handle online communications

Why you should ban post-work communication

It's nighttime and definitely past your 5 p.m. workday end. However, you just remembered you forgot to inform your employees about something they need for their assignments. Or maybe you need your accounting department to rework your financial plan or a team forgot to...