Are you ready to expand your small business?

Are you ready to expand your small business?

As the owner of a local small business, you know the hardships involved with getting a company off the ground. Chances are, you took out some commercial loans, tapped other sources of funding and operated at a loss for a while after opening the business. If things...
Community banks, credit unions prove to be small business go-tos

Engage with your community bank via Twitter

Setting up a community bank presence on Twitter is unlikely to garner the same number of followers as more established big-name financial institutions – but in a way, that might be beneficial, notes the Philadelphia Business Journal. Banks can use Twitter to...
Community banks, credit unions prove to be small business go-tos

Putting together a personal financial statement

According to Inc. magazine, entrepreneurs tend to create a personal financial statement for one of two reasons. They're either genuinely interested about viewing the inner workings of their companies, or they need to get their financial house in order prior to a...