Keeping your cash flow consistent and your company afloat

Strategies for business cash flow management

As the Business Finance Store recently noted, effective cash flow management is an important part of operations for small businesses across industries. The initial period after founding a small enterprise can often be dicey in terms of revenue. During this time,...
Keeping your cash flow consistent and your company afloat

So, you’re facing a shortfall

You crunched revenue and expenditure numbers, put together a realistic financial plan, and yet, you're facing a shortfall. The first thing to do is try to refrain from panicking. Shortfalls are a part of running a business, and until entrepreneurs can look into a...
Keeping your cash flow consistent and your company afloat

Improving receivables and managing payables

Cash flow management is all about striking a balance between expenditures and revenue, then basing your company's financial plan off these projections. Failure to attain this balance can have disastrous consequences. After all, if your small business can't...