Starting a business without money

Starting a business without money

Entrepreneurship is expensive. You need money for a plethora of things, from renting or buying a location to creating your product or service. If you don't have the funds to do it, starting a business can be tough. However, it's not impossible. There are various ways...
Starting a business without money

Why you should embrace failure

When it comes to all parts of life, failing is never a good feeling. However, it doesn't have to be a negative thing. If we never failed, we would never learn how to fix our mistakes and we'd be doomed to repeat them. Decision making in business is no different. The...
Starting a business without money

Protect your business from melting snow

Spring is finally upon us! Warmer weather and calmer conditions permit us to stay outside longer. However, with heat comes melting snow. The excess water can lead to flooding, which can severely damage the building in which you run your business. While you can't...
Starting a business without money

Managing your cash flow

You’ve started a business. Customers are pouring in. You think you’re doing great financially, but are you really?Only about 50 percent of new businesses survive five years or more and about one-third last 10 or more, according to a report by the...