Getting financed in a tough economy

Getting financed in a tough economy

Things haven't been good in the U.S. financial sector for about five years, but small business owners have continued to persevere. For those just joining the marketplace, expecting a difficult process and possible failure seem to be par for the course, but there are...
Getting financed in a tough economy

Startup with costs down

Getting a business off the ground may seem like a costly endeavor, as it includes filing for a commercial loan and filling out a financial plan to prove to investors that you know what you're talking about. Once you get that money, though, there is no set structure as...
Getting financed in a tough economy

Figuring out your first franchise affair

Starting a business means taking on a lot of responsibility. Everything from funding the venture to hiring, inventory, facility management and building the customer base for a new brand falls squarely on the owner. For some startups, the challenges of beginning from...