Jul 1, 2011 | Banking and Finance
Don’t laugh! It may not be as far-fetched as it sounds. As college housing costs continue to rise, you may want to check out the housing market in the town where your child attends school. Buying a house in a college town can provide your child with a place to live...
May 1, 2011 | Banking and Finance
If you don’t have enough money saved to send your high schooler to college, don’t give up hope. You still may be able to get your college planning back on the road again. Here are some ideas. Search for Scholarships Scholarships aren’t just for the straight-A students...
Mar 15, 2011 | Banking and Finance
If you have read the papers or listened to the news lately, you are probably well aware that the cost of a college education keeps rising — generally, at a rate higher than the rate of inflation. A private college that would have charged $12,000 per year for tuition...
Aug 15, 2010 | Banking and Finance
For many families, the path to a college degree is paved with debt. As tuition has increased at more than twice the inflation rate for the past decade, more parents and students are borrowing money to pay the costs of a higher education. The average student loan debt...