Jan 9, 2025 | Press Releases
Juniors and seniors in high school are eligible to apply for the new Banzai Life Literacy Scholarship. The deadline to apply is March 31, 2025. The scholarship is a $2,000 award and will be awarded to five students. Students who are looking to continue their education...
Feb 1, 2024 | Banking and Finance
Smart Financial Moves for Young Families Having children brings a new sense of responsibility. With a small person depending on you, it’s natural to want to make the best decisions for your growing family. Here are a few wise financial moves to help secure your...
Mar 1, 2012 | Banking and Finance
Two Goals, One Pot of Money There’s no doubt that college costs are high — and getting higher. So, if you expect your child to go to college, it probably makes sense to start saving as early as possible. There’s also no doubt that if you plan to retire someday, you’re...
Oct 1, 2011 | Community and Family
College Savings Plans Your children or grandchildren may be tiny tots today, but they’ll be off to college before you can say “Where’s the money coming from?” If your long-term investment goals include financing a child’s education, contributing to a tax-advantaged...
Aug 15, 2011 | Community and Family
Does it seem like you need an advanced degree to figure out the best way to save for your child’s college education? Before you hit the books, we can help you sort through a variety of investment options, each with its own pros and cons. 529 Savings Plans College...