Oct 30, 2020 | Uncategorized
Gov. Larry Hogan has announced a new $250 million relief package to provide assistance to Maryland businesses that have been negatively impacted by COVID-19. On Oct. 26, the MACPA team met with Maryland Commerce Secretary Kelly Schulz, who assembled a group...
Mar 15, 2012 | Banking and Finance
In the face of business pressures, keeping up with IRS rules and regulations can be difficult. But the consequences of noncompliance can put a small enterprise out of business just as easily as poor economic conditions can. While you can’t control the economy, you can...
Oct 15, 2011 | Banking and Finance
Using the equity you have in your home to secure a loan may be a tax-wise method of financing or refinancing some of your personal and business expenditures. Here are a few home equity-borrowing techniques that may save you tax dollars. Financing Personal...