How dangerous is procrastination?

How dangerous is procrastination?

We all suffer from that bad habit called procrastination. Whether it's putting off paying a bill until the last possible moment or waiting to order more pens until they're all missing. There's something exciting about the anxiety-inducing, last-minute deadline....
How dangerous is procrastination?

Promoting leadership in your company

There are approximately 119.3 million people employed full time in the U.S., according to Statista. By 2020, 50 percent of those will be millennials. As baby boomers start to retire, the need for new leadership becomes a necessity. However, that might be a...
How dangerous is procrastination?

Freshen up your workspace for spring

April has finally arrived, which means it has finally begun to feel like spring. The days are longer, the temperatures are warmer and plants are blooming everywhere. With the change in weather, people catch spring cleaning fever and start reorganizing their homes....
Should you switch to the cloud?

Should you switch to the cloud?

We've all heard of the cloud, but what is it?The cloud provides a place for users to store their files, from Word documents to graphics. Instead of using servers to save and access information, you use a public or private off-site data warehouse. Cloud computing...
Should you switch to the cloud?

Protect your company from hackers

Since 2005, there have been more than 75 data breaches where at least 1 million records were compromised, according to Bloomberg. With an ever-growing technological world, protecting both your company's and your clients' information is of the utmost importance....