How can small businesses utilize big data?

How can small businesses utilize big data?

Whatever kind of business you run, there are others out there providing the same service or product. To outperform them, you need to take advantage of the information you have at hand. Through a variety of sources, you'll better understand your audience and be able to...
How can small businesses utilize big data?

How do unhappy employees affect your company?

We've all had those moments where we can't focus and nothing seems to get done. Maybe it lasts for an hour or maybe it's the entire day. When it extends to several times over the course of the same week, it might be a problem. Approximately 70 percent of employees in...
How can small businesses utilize big data?

4 ways to make yourself memorable

When you first applied for a job, you had to ensure everything about you was unforgettable. Your resume had to be creative, your clothing presentable and your answers seemingly unrehearsed but perfect all the same. You made every attempt to stand out. When it comes to...
How can small businesses utilize big data?

Why you should create an innovative workplace

A business can’t truly run without the help of its employees. It needs varied ideas and suggestions that can only come from having a diverse staff. Only through a sharing of thoughts will a company be truly successful. To create an innovative workplace, you must...