Does flexibility lead to increased productivity?

Does flexibility lead to increased productivity?

In today's society, there is no such thing as a set schedule. Depending on the industry you're in, you could be working the standard 9-to-5 day or completing your responsibilities long after the sun has set. However, is one work schedule better than another? Recent...
Does flexibility lead to increased productivity?

How does employee turnover hurt your company?

When you start recruiting employees, you set out to find the ones that will be the best fit for both the position and the company. Interviews and a probationary period usually provide enough information to know you have made the right choice. However, new hires will...
Does flexibility lead to increased productivity?

How to interview like the boss you are

Interviews can be stressful for both you and job applicants. They're worried about you not liking them and you may fear hiring the wrong person. While you may have already interacted with candidates through resumes or phone screenings, you can't gain a full...