First United Bank & Trust is delighted to reveal the Smithsburg Community Office in Washington County, MD has relocated! As of December 15, 2022, the full-service office will be operational at 22940 Jefferson Boulevard.
The recently renovated office will still emphasize the local area and offer fast, hassle-free transactions for both personal and corporate customers, as well as the most recent banking technology. Customers can take advantage of the upgraded ATM that can accept envelope-free deposits.
The Discovery Center will provide customers with the opportunity to check out the newest touchscreen and tablet technologies on their own or with the help of a banking specialist. Customers will have the option of taking a refreshment from the beverage bar while talking to one of our relationship associates.

“We consider ourselves lucky to be able to relocate our office and make First United more accessible to the Smithsburg area. We recognize that everyone is on the cutting edge of technology and prefer the convenience of online and mobile banking. At the same time, we understand that there are still quite a few customers who want to meet with their bankers in person.” said Carissa L. Rodeheaver, CEO, Chairman of the Board and President of First United Bank & Trust. “This is an exhilarating time for us and we are staying true to our community banking values while providing clients with the latest conveniences.”
Jaime Shelton, Vice President and Director of Retail – Eastern Region, commented, “We are elated to move to a more convenient location for our customers and to continue our commitment to the Smithsburg area. Our new office incorporates self-service options as well as personal one-on-one banking options. The stylish design also has the same cozy, contemporary elements that our customers and associates currently enjoy.”